i had an idea sometime back. Actually this is an idea Bau and I had way back when we were tuccha bacchas in 9th, to open a book cafe. At that time, I was still obsessed with books (a lot more than now trust me..i mean i actually got the 'best in library science' award in school, simply for the amount of time i spent there!) and Bau liked baking (thats her maternal complex, she cant help it :D). unfortunately by the time we grew old enough to appreciate the workings of our prodigal minds, the barista buggers had taken it up.
But recently I have been thinking, that if i must remain umemployed for life (and its seriously beg to look like that!) and the if the only escape from that is to be the matrimonial bliss of feeding my pati parmeshwar (and if he is a true chaubey baalak, he will appreciate nothing else!) I might as well make a business out of it. A nice little book cafe, seating perhaps no more than 30-50. Books will be available for rent(or an hourly basis, with discounts for no. of orders) and purchase. Serve healthy, home cooking..sandwiches, cakes, pies and stuff (look up Cranks' menus). Open in some pseudo intellectual posh locality like siri fort (shahpur jat?) or perhaps even north campus (or embassy avenue?). SO people, come and give me advice..how does it sound??all constructive suggestions welcome (this leaves u out am afraid, Sistu).
10 years ago
yo librarian... devise a business plan... invite a bunch of VC's n whp knows!!! :))
this just might b the straw that shall fire the fire up...
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