Thursday, September 04, 2008

For the disbelievers...

Alright, al ye who cannot believe i can bake, I am uploading photographic so more wisecracks peo..particularly bau, maidu n co..or i will invent an ajwain cake just for u :D
ps: I also made "Katherine Hepburn brownies" with the last of my firang baking choc..but unfortunately that got over too fast :D

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Foggy life...

I nowadays keep getting the weird feeling that am somehow stuck in one of those hilarious foggy forests, made popular by the Ramsay brothers. How can u not know what u want in life? By the same principle, how can u be certain of what u want? Perhaps it is true that those whom the gods wish to punish, they give their hearts' desire..for the closer i am to achieving my goal, the further i feel i have moved from what i want. My life has become a caricature of indecision and soon i shall spew it all out in another cheerfully depressing book, with the shelf life sufficient enough, i hope, to keep me in morasses of confusion for life :)