Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Mumbai: wish it would stay lost

Once upon a time, a young Tona believed that bby people followed traffic rules...

I am begginning to believe that this is one of those fantasies parents never want to disillusion their kids bhanumati ka pitara and the eternal gazillion women who have died mysteriously and haunt every separate kilometre of India, the fantasy that traffic in mumbai is traffic and not a horde of stampeding cars, autos, buses and what not. It seems bby-ites have singly handedly decided to shoulder the burden of proving to the world that we cannot follow even basic travel rules. Cars will park were free left turns exist, at the traffic signal people are desperate to pass time by creating honk symphonies, and if possible pedestrians wil cross the road only on seeing a vehicle coming from the other side, i presume so they can feel "the wild side".
I never really caught on to the concept of road rage, but when u see that mammoth of an SUV with one single loser sitting there on ur free turn, u r tempted to get down, put ur hands around his neck and shake him till his head falls off on its own. My dreams now feature primarily bus drivers am planning to gun down, though not before giving a lecture on the ills of driving like maniacs. It is sometimes to me a surprise that so many peo continue to exist in this city, for surely this should have decimated the population by now.

As you must have made out by now, I am developing a burgeoning hatred for Mumbai, with every extra second am stuck here. Sometimes it seems its a city of terrorists. But then, i think India is slowly turning into a country of terrorists, with everyone holding someone hostage over supposed slight or harm to them, their relegion, community, language, work...its as if the true uselessness of our lives can only be defined by making others feel even more useless. U cannot have a thought anymore which doesnt seem to hurt someone's sentiments. What an extraordinarily sensitive set of people we r!!!I sure as hell hope the MNS wil not find this soon, or i will be in court day after, for harming their sentiments!But it is the saddest thing today that we have allowed ourselves to become hostage to everyone's opinion. I just hope this will not continue till one day we become a nation unable to think at all, only follow.

I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird.